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Journal Articles (Peer-Reviewed)

  • Greenfield, J., Metz, L. M., Khakban, A., Rodriguez Llorian, E., Michaux, K. D., Traboulsee, A., Oh, J., Smyth, P., Lynd, L. D., Bulloch, A. G. M., Williams, J. V. A., & Patten, S. B. (2023). Cancer risk, disease-modifying therapy, and age in multiple sclerosis: A retrospective population-based cohort study. Multiple Sclerosis and Related Disorders, 80, 105091.


  • Borle, K., Kopac, N., Dragojlovic, N., Rodriguez Llorian E., & Lynd, L. D. (2023). Defining Need Amid Exponential Change: Conceptual Challenges in Workforce Planning for Clinical Genetic Services. Clinical Therapeutics, 45(8), 695–701.


  • Rodriguez Llorian, E., Kopac, N., Waliji, L. A., Borle, K., Dragojlovic, N., Elliott, A. M., & Lynd, L. D. (2023). A Rapid Review on the Value of Biobanks Containing Genetic Information. Value in Health, 26(9), 1286–1295.


  • Rodriguez Llorian, E., Waliji, L. A., Dragojlovic, N., Michaux, K. D., Nagase, F., & Lynd, L. D. (2023). Frameworks for Health Technology Assessment at an Early Stage of Product Development: A Review and Roadmap to Guide Applications. Value in Health, 26(8), 1258–1269.


  • Rodriguez Llorian, E., Zhang, W., Khakban, A., Michaux, K., Patten, S., Traboulsee, A., Oh, J., Kolind, S., Prat, A., Tam, R., & Lynd, L. D. (2023). Employment status, productivity loss, and associated factors among people with multiple sclerosis. Multiple Sclerosis Journal, 29(7), 866–874.


  • Khakban, A., Rodriguez Llorian E., Michaux, K., Patten, S., Traboulsee, A., Oh, J., CanProCo Study Team & Lynd, L.D. (2022). Direct health care costs associated with multiple sclerosis. A population-based cohort study in British Columbia, Canada, 2001-2020. Neurology, 100(9), e899–e910.


  • Rodriguez Llorian E., Dragojlovic N., Campbell, T., Friedman J., Osiovich, H., RAPIDOMICS Study, Elliott A. M., & Lynd L. D. (2022). The Impact of Rapid Exome Sequencing on Downstream Healthcare Utilization for Infants with Suspected Genetic Disorders in an Intensive Care Unit. Genetics in Medicine, 24(8), 1675–1683.


  • Rodriguez Llorian, E., Zhang, W., Khakban, A., Patten, S., Traboulsee, A., Oh, J., Kolind, S., Prat, A., Tam, R., & Lynd, L. D. (2022).  Productivity losses among people with early Multiple Sclerosis. A Canadian Study. Multiple Sclerosis Journal, 28(9), 1414-1423. 


  • Borle, K., Kopac, N., Dragojlovic, N., Rodriguez Llorian, E., Friedman, J., GenCOUNSEL Study, Elliott, A.M., & Lynd, L.D. (2021). Where is genetic medicine headed? Exploring the perspectives of Canadian genetic professionals on future trends using the Delphi method. European Journal of Human Genetics, 30(5), 496-504.


  • Rodriguez Llorian, E., & Mann, J. (2021) Exploring the Technology-Healthcare Expenditure Nexus: A Panel Error Correction Approach. Empirical Economics. 62(6), 3061-3086.


  • Rodriguez Llorian, E., & Mason, G. (2021) Electronic Medical Records and Primary Care Quality: Evidence from Manitoba. Health Economics, 30(5), 1124-1138.


  • Rodriguez Llorian, E., & Mason, G. (2021) Healthcare Utilization and Telemedicine: An Evaluation Using Linked Administrative Data from Manitoba. Journal of Telemedicine and Telecare, 0(0), 1-9.




Other Publications

Newspaper and magazine articles


  • Rodriguez Llorian, E., Álvarez Mendez, O., and Cribeiro Diaz, Y. (2015, April). Impacto del diferencial de precios de importación sobre la balanza comercial de Cuba: el caso de los alimentos. Revista Mercado, 8-14.  Retrieved from


Research Reports

  • Rodriguez Llorian, E., & Loxley, J. (2019). A Framework for Assessing Social Impact of The Jubilee Fund: The Case of Daycare Programs. Report prepared for the Jubilee Fund. 


  • Loxley, J., & Rodriguez Llorian, E. (2019). The Impact of the Mary River Project on GDP Forecasts for Nunavut: A Critical View. Report prepared for Oceans North.


Conference Proceedings

© 2021 Elisabet Rodriguez Llorian.

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